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FotoFest, Hawke's Bay's annual photography festival.

FOTOFEST is the annual photography festival event for Hawke's Bay.

We are excited to again be planning for a third annual city-wide photography event to take place within Hastings, Heretaunga 14-22 September
FOTO FEST will again provide a platform for NZ photographers including national exhibitors, workshops and talks. A special category for emerging and youth creatives wanting to establish their work into the public arena and a youth photography awards will take place in 2024. 

FOTOFEST has 6 areas of focus it strives to uphold :

  • Community

  • Education

  • Cultural inclusion

  • Diversity

  • Youth

  • Environment 

  • Be inclusive and accessible to all people, utilising key relationships with community groups and organisations

  • Engagement for all ages

  • Include a high level of youth engagement through fun promotions and competitions

  • Region-wide community promotion partnerships and participation

  • Represent diverse and differently abled persons where possible

  • Supporting and encouraging local emerging film makers, photographers and graphic artists with a photographic focus to develop and exhibit their work to the public throughout the event 

  • Provide education to emerging creatives to add value to their craftsmanship through workshops 

  • Strengthen regional identity and assisting the development of tourism in the region

  • Promote and develop FOTOFEST as an ongoing community annual event as part of FOTO INC CHARITABLE TRUST vision and mission

  • Continue and manage FOTOFEST under stringent Health and Safety policy and procedures as required